Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Second last!

I would like to dedicate this post to my loyal blog readers. Thank you for your time to visit here every now and then. I hope you all have enjoyed reading as much as i have enjoyed writing and at the meantime get to understand or know me better. But alas, i have come to the end of my blogging journey. In a few days time, i will delete most of the blog content. What's left will be a simple tombstone. In order to show that i have nothing to hide, i will give my fellow readers a few days time to plough through my blog. This also allows my readers to have at least some time to look at my past before this blog passes away.

Please don't be sad but instead be positive. Everybody and everything does die eventually. Even the sun has a finite lifetime. My blog is dying. Soon it will die and well, sometimes what happens to be an end is actually a new beginning!

Readers always have a chance to keep in touch with me anyway. When there's a will, there will be a way!

My fellow bloggers, i will still visit your sites every now and then. I will also visit my blog's tombstone occasionally too.

I wish my readers all the best in everything that they do and that life has to offer! May they be happy and their wishes and hopes fulfilled!